The club collects and distributes children’s books to an area elementary school to offer the students with the ability to buy used and new books for $0.25 a piece. By subsidizing the purchase cost of the books, the students are able to own and read more books than they would otherwise be able to. This program promotes reading and the purchase of books as a treat.
Book Donations
This form is used to donate children's books to the Kiwanis Books Program
Childrens Buy A Book Program
The club collects and distributes children’s books to an area elementary school to offer the students with the ability to buy used and new books for $0.25 a piece. By subsidizing the purchase cost of the books, the students are able to own and read more books than they would otherwise be able to. This program promotes reading and the purchase of books as a treat.
Book Donations
This form is used to donate children's books to the Kiwanis Books Program